地址:中国 广东省 佛山市 南海区 狮山镇狮山工业园北区
联系: 周生生
手机:+86 153 6002 0678
电话: +86 0757 8668 7080
传真:+86 0757 8668 7068
Foshan Nanhai Huitai Technology Co., Ltd.
is a 20-year-old, Shishan industrial park, Foshan based manufacturer that provides customized, advanced aluminum direct-chill solidification technology to rolling ingot and hot top aluminium billet casting producers worldwide. The company offers: casting machines, mold tables, process automation, rolling ingot tooling, hot top billet casting tooling, molten metal level control, and worldwide service and support. Foshan Huitai has delivered more than 500 billet systems, 250 ingot casting systems, 200 Huitai casting machines, and 200 Huitai automated casting control systems in 68 countries. Around the world, aluminum producers look to Foshan Huitai for the know-how and equipment to safely cast aluminum.