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  • 熔炼炉 Melting furnace
  • 保温炉 Holding furnace
  • 均质炉 Homogenizing furnace
  • 铝棒铸造平台 Hot top casting table
  • 油气润滑模铸造 Oil and air lubricated casting system
  • 铸造机器与系统 Casting machine and system
  • 铝棒切割机 Billet cutting machine
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    地址:中国 广东省 佛山市 南海区 狮山镇狮山工业园北区

    联系: 周生生

    手机:+86 153 6002 0678

    电话: +86 0757 8668 7080 
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    Aluminium Billets Casting Whole or Part Plant Equipment

    作者:博斯特融创科技 来源:博斯特融创科技 日期:2017-04-21 人气:955

    Aluminium Billets Casting Whole or Part Plant Equipment

    1. Aluminium Melting Furnace – 7 to 50 tons, fully refractory cast and steel casing
      • Single or two chamber stationery reverbatory Melting Furnaces
      • Single chamber tilting reverbatory melting  Furnaces
      • Gas, Diesel or bunker fuel combustion system
      • Gas conventional regenerative or recuperative combustion system
      • Combustion chamber pressure equalized
      • Option with base induction stirrers or side induction liquid stirrers


    2. Aluminium Holding Furnace – 7 to 50 tons, fully refractory cast and steel casing
      • Single chamber tilting or stationary reverbatory Holding  Furnaces
      • Gas, Diesel or bunker fuel combustion system
      • Gas conventional regenerative or recuperative combustion system
      • Option with base induction stirrers or side induction liquid stirrers


    3. Auto launder liquid level control
    4. Launder system
    5. In line degases system
    6. Ceramic filtration system
    7. Casting table water distribution and tilting unit
    8. Cable regulated Casting machine
    9. Hot Top billets casting tables for 50 mm till 380mm dia. billets @ up till 9 meters long
    10. Crop off and billets saws 50mm till 380 mm
    11. Saw dust Slug machines
    12. Homogenizing Furnaces 5 tons to 40 tons
    13. Homo transveyors
    14. Homo Quench unit
    15. Metal Analysers
    下一个: Aluminium Billets Homogenizing Furnace